It s been quite some time before i could gather my thoughts on whats been happening all this while. Not much has changed, things have gone worse actually. Recently there was this competition at work for Independence day where we were asked to make a collage of what freedom meant to us. So 3 of us got together and started pondering on that question, cause i never actually thought about it until then. Well as usual all the cliched problems of india -- govt, crime, corruption, civic sense et al came up and finally it came to such a point where the question changed to are we really free? in this time and age.
62 years have passed since we drove the british out of our lands but all this time we didnt change. dont get me wrong, there has been rapid growth in various sectors of the economy and cities have literally transformed in front of our eyes. but how free is an Indian in India? One of my collegues said India is free but not every Indian.
Is there any truth in that statement? I wonder.
I see that religion still has a political agenda to it, governments have never been worse , people are still pretty much the same and cant say much about the develoment. sometimes i think we would have been better off not driving the british away. Am i free to even think this? or arent i?
so finally we managed to pool our thoughts and we made this collage that may not entirely explain What freedom means to me but i hope it gets the point across.
Happy Independence day everyone!