Thursday, October 22, 2009

Am i Right? or what?

The stage is set in pak , finally after millions of years of ignoring their problems , they seem to be opening their eyes . India better be alert now. i think the slightest bit of provocation could very well lead to a world war .it is extreme but also a fact.

I am growing sick of all the shit for quite sometime now. Screw peace . how will there be peace in this world and an end to all the problems if no one compromises or is happy with negotiations.

quote:  "When you have the upper hand. Slap them. Tight.

There are too many problems in this world. one side the economy refuses to raise anymore. countires are fighting global warming. people are forming their own governments cause there arent any good ones(Naxals). there are no jobs. prices of everything from toothpicks to clean air is rising . theres no water in someplaces and there is too much in some others. MAN  (being the reason)!! when will all this shit come to an end?

Everyone says the new generation should be more responsible and blah-- but all i can see the new generation doing is becoming the old ,screwing this planet and thrusting this shit onto another generation of people who will do the same again.

life according to me has always been complicated in many ways. we try to make it simple ,but that ends up complicating it further. People need to think for themselves and act in order to see some change . You might meet so many people who are so worried about what others think of them , or how their actions will embarrass them or something like that . i say who gives a shit. Think for yourself. think of how you can make a difference do not consult with anyone else . JUST DO IT.

if man has emerged as the single most intelligent being on this planet , its for a reason and thats because we can do what no other creature on this planet can---make a difference.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Will Big Br(o)ther come to the rescue?

India seems to annoyingly lean on the USA for diplomatic solutions to its problems. Well its not a bad idea actually but how much more can USA do for us?. Considering USA is pressurizing Pak to act on stuff they very well are reluctant to is answer enough that India's strategy is not working.

Considering we have come this far in the world where countries actually cant push us around, i don't think India's stand on using USA to fix its problems is the step that will help us in the long run.

India has so many problems that its not funny. Banking on the worlds Superpower might be the answer for some problems but look at the fact , its not working.

Its been quite sometime since the terrorist attacks in mumbai , what has happened until now ? Pak in the beginning refused to accept the terrorists as their own and all this blaming and mud slinging happened in the media for the next few months and then a breakthrough . This breakthrough would have happened earlier if India took a tough stance against pak. Bottom line is until India shows the world what its capable of i don't think we will command any respect from any one (whats the deal with Australians?). USA on one hand knows that if they get us mad it would result in the end of the world, but there are such things called as Limits which are being stretched as every single day passes by. India has been a very patient, non-violent spectator to most of threats that come across since independence, sure we reacted sometimes but we didn't get a solution for any of the huge problems that still exist.

Look at it this way , we have everything that a country needs (basically) for no one to mess with us. America was the first one to take notice and see that they did all they can before India got mad . I don't think that was the right thing to do. If USA is playing big brother to India in its time of need , then it would be fair for India to see some results. Being patient is India's thing , but time is running out. IF things don't settle with Pak backing off and getting its shit together, then we might as well gear up to handle things Desi style.