To think has become a problem for most of us. We have calculators doing our math, pda’s and smart phones that manage our contacts and phone numbers, electronic chips that drive our cars and ‘intellisense’ machines that do the wash. All this is supposed to help us in our day to day ‘tasks’.
Just finished reading an article on the next big 5 from IBM which will revolutionize the way people live in the next 5 years. Impressive! Also a lot of consequences to be faced with in the days to come.
Most of the products and technologies that IBM is proposing to develop / are already under development are outstanding. We will have an internet we can talk to, an application that will predict ur entire life’s health, digital shopping assistants which will sell stuff to u online while u check out items to shop for and finally a ‘search’ function that keeps track of all your moves everyday so that u won’t forget to remember sth ,or forget anything anymore . Impressive right. Right…
There is no escaping the fact that our lives are completely dependent on gadgets (I can’t live without my laptop and cell phone), but down the line, it’s not only going to be us who will be using these new technologies, but also the future generations.
Dependency should not go to such a level where we don’t control what and how machines think, when we are allowing ourselves to let machines make decisions for us it should not enter every sphere of life.
We write the code ,we develop the software’s and we induce the bugs, fine as a developer one actually has to put in a lot of thought in order to develop such a program , but the end user just uses it. His brain is being forced not to think much. I don’t remember half of the phone numbers on my cell, I don’t even bother writing them down somewhere, cause I have a ‘backup’ on my laptop. Don’t u feel that people are going to just stop thinking sometime in the future? When we are placing so many of our thoughts into doing what machines ask us to do, don’t u think we could also be controlled?
We already have GPS systems telling us the way. if the GPS system was tampered with or has a bug in it ,it will lead u to the wrong places ,and then u won’t be mentally equipped to think out a solution because ur mind is not trained to think and make decisions ,but it’s just dependent on the technology to make those decisions for you.
I have nothing against advancements in the field of technology, but it’s just that the products people come up with ,even though are useful to some ,I just feel that mans natural ability to think and make decisions will become a major task to perform(maybe it can even be an Olympic event).
The children of the future will just be puppets in the hands of technology, they won’t be able to make a simple decision on which candy bar they would want , they might just ask the comp to figure out the statistics that make that particular candy bar good enough ,by searching through blog entries and chemical analysis files, with the taste responses survey made in the 19th century and finally end up eating something else.
Making that decision was a piece of cake. right?
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