when a country cannot keep its own people in check against corruption but which country can?
The "Youngistan" generation has begun to accept it, a once behind the doors activity that got some people with money and power to achieve their own ideals.
I recently read a blog that posed an open question to Mr Ratan Tata, afer he made the dramatic and somewhat personal comment that he was once asked to pay a 15 cr bribe to setup his own airline
sometime back. The question was what has his organization done to stop corruption in India?
I would like to rephrase that question. What can any organization do to keep a socially existing through the ages and is now more open than before activity that engulfs life itself on a daily basis in check?
There is little that can be said or done, we all have experienced corruption at various levels. There are quite a few who have openly tried to deal with it, but as usual its too big a problem to get rid of .
like so many more.
It plagues our country that is counted as one of the most corrupt to get its act right.
But really on a common forum that discusses various other issues corruption has always been a hot topic. People make many speeches, hold many rallies, organize various groups,make movies mocking it, and showing us various slap on the wrist ways to fight corruption, but reality check can an organization really have that much power to change a billion people?
It sucks that we have generations of Indians growing up with the same ideas and principles that are socially unacceptable and quite frankly immoral.
Even though we have a few people brave enough to fight corruption even though they have the money and all the help possible, if a man like Ratan Tata cannot do anything about it I dont think a common person stands a chance.
There are only two things that can be done in such a scenario,
you either die a hero fighting or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.
Guess that holds true to what we are witnessing today.
I have a solution which is very controversial but its worth a shot, make corruption legal, we cannot fight it, atleast we can stop complaining. have positions in the government that dont pay any salaries, there is a fixed rate to get stuff done , and that would pretty much be it.
its not operational is the slightest sense possible especially in a complex place like India.
But as oganizations grow and chrun out a lot of money , investments rise ,and the global standing of our country reaches new levels, the monster of corruption is growing too. we have very few people who are really true to their conscience and do their job, but as and when they see their own colleagues resorting to such practises they either get in to it or be thrown out. there is really no choice left to them.
It waits to be seen when, how and where the buck stops!!
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